
Pan-Nordic Conference on Environmental and Ethical Marketing Claims 2025

3. april 2025
09:00 - 15:00
In Finland or digital viewing
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We are pleased to announce the fifth edition of our Pan-Nordic conference on Environmental and Ethical Marketing claims, which will take place in Helsinki, Finland, on 3 April 2025.

Together with Borenius (Finland), Bech-Bruun (Denmark), and Setterwalls (Sweden), will we discuss the latest trends, developments, and strategies in environmental and sustainable marketing and other regulations in the Nordics.

Join us for an inspirational day of insightful subjects, discussions and networking opportunities where we delve into crucial topics shaping the landscape of environmental and ethical marketing claims.

The conference is relevant for CEO’s, marketing and sustainability executives, in-house counsel, professional and industrial bodies, public authorities and legal advisers with an appetite for marketing insight from peers and ready-to-use legal input.

Agenda and speakers:

  • Implementing CSRD: Lessons learned and best practices. Sami Lundgren, VP Responsibility at UPM
  • Implementation and challenges posed by Regulation on Deforestation-free Products Hanna Lehtinen at Borenius
  • Eveliina Huurre, Senior Vice President Sustainability at Finnair
  • Navigating the Green Claims Directive: Impacts on Environmental Marketing. Hanna Pohjola at Borenius
  • Intersection between claims and trademarks. Marie Vaale-Hallberg at Kvale
  • Green litigation: Trends and Insights. Panel discussion. Reetta Loponen, Vice President Sustainability at Valmet, Claus Barrett Christiansen at Bech-Bruun, and Kristiina Liljedahl at Borenius
  • Explosive increase in fines for greenwashing cases in Denmark. Claus Barrett Christiansen at Bech-Bruun
  • Rules that drive and hinder the green transition. Helena Nilsson and Tove Andersson at Setterwalls
  • Building and maintaining a green brand. Eeva Taimisto. Director, Sustainability Consulting and Communications at Miltton

Agenda and speakers are subject to change, and the event will be held in English.

We look forward to seeing you!

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