Robert is considered one of the country's leading procurement and state aid experts. He has a number of support and procurement law publications to refer to, in addition to being ranked among the foremost lawyers in his field of expertise in Finansavisen's annual bar of lawyers the last years. Robert also has extensive experience in dispute resolution in the above-mentioned disciplines and in contract and contract law and pension law.
Much of Robert's assistance in recent years has been provided in connection with complex projects for the state, county councils, municipalities and publicly owned companies. This has provided unique insight into how clients and sponsors think and work, which is of great value when advising private companies, for example in connection with submitting tenders or complaints to the public.
Robert has advised in many sectors, such as research, development and innovation, public transport, rail, port, aviation, broadband, land, ICT, energy, toll, public sector, non-profit and cultural and sports.
Robert is also a widely used speaker in his field of expertise.
Together with Bjørnar Alterskjær (Kluge), Erling Hjelmeng and Thomas Nordby, Robert has written the book Statsstøtte – EØS-avtalens regler om offentlig støtte (Fagbokforlaget). The book treats all aspects of state aid law: State aid ban, exemptions and rules on services of general economic interest (which is particularly relevant in the procurement law context).
Robert is the co-author of the book "Offentlige anskaffelser", soon to be published by Gyldendal.
Robert has written the book Statsforetak og statsstøtte – Statsgaranti og kapitaltilførsel til Statkraft SF i lys av EØS-avtalen (Universitetsforlaget).
Together with Njål Høstmælingen, Anders Stenbrenden (Kluge) and Ken Uggerud, Robert has made Arbeidsbok i menneskerettigheter (Cappelen Akademisk forlag).
Together with Bjørnar Alterskjær (Kluge), Robert has written an article in Kommunerevisoren.
Together with Bjørnar Alterskjær (Kluge), Robert has written the article State Aid Law Quarterly (EStAL 4/2012). The article was published in State Aid Law Quarterly (EStAL 4/2012).
On behalf of the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, Robert and ALT law firm has written the report Kommunal virksomhet i lys av EØS-avtalens statsstøtteregler – aktiviteter som er omfattet av statsstøttereglene, sentrale problemstillinger og forebyggende tiltak.
Kluge Advokatfirma
Lawyer / Partner
ALT advokatfirma
Lawyer / Associate
Deputy Judge
Oslo District Court
Advisor / Senior Executive
Konkurransepolitisk avdeling i Nærings- og handelsdepartementet/Fornyingsdepartementet
National expert in the European Commission, DG Competitio
DG Competition, State Aid Directorate
University of Oslo