Ingvild Hanssen-Bauer is specialized within intellectual property rights, with a particular focus on patents, trademarks and matters related to the Norwegian Marketing Act, such as protection of trade secrets and unlawful copying.
She has extensive litigation experience within these fields of law, and has represented clients in a large number of complex cases, both before the District Court and the Court of Appeal. Ingvild assists both Norwegian and international clients, especially within the pharmaceutical industry, oil/gas and aquaculture industry.
Ingvild also assists our clients with agreements related to intellectual property rights, such as license agreements, research and development agreements, agreements on transfer of intellectual property rights and confidentiality agreements.
Her practice also includes assistance related to ICT-contracts and data protection.
She is a member of the board of the Norwegian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property Rights (NIR) and the Norwegian AIPPI-group, and a member of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Board for domain names. She is also a member of the Intellectual Property Law committee at the University of Oslo and has been a member of the Norwegian Bar Association's Law Committee on Intellectual Property and Marketing Law. She is a member of the organization Eplaw (the European Patent Lawyers Association).
Ingvild is frequently used as a lecturer, and has inter alia for 10 years provided the update on patent law at the annual conference on patent, trademark and design law, arranged by the Norwegian Bar Association organization for Continuing Legal Education (Juristenes Utdanningssenter – JUS).
She contributes as a supervisor and examiner within intellectual property law.
Chambers and Partners
Intellectual Property: anbefalt
Who's Who Legal
Data Privacy and Protection
Information Technology
Patent Litigation
Managing Intellectual Property IP Stars
Trade mark: Leading individual
Patent: Leading individual
World Trademark Review - Leading trademark professionals
Enforcement and litigation: Leading individual
IAM patent1000 - The world's leading patent professionals
Litigation: Leading lawyer
“She is one of the most experienced IP litigators in Norway, especially regarding pharmaceutical patents.” - IAM patent 1000 (2019)
Legal 500 EMEA
Intellectual property: Leading individuals 2024
Legal 500 EMEA
TMT: Key Lawyer 2024
"Personvern i digitale telenett", Complex 3/93
Specialist Counsel
Wikborg Rein, Oslo
Wikborg Rein, Oslo
Senior Associate
Wikborg Rein, Oslo
Wikborg Rein, Oslo
Cand. jur.
Universitetet i Oslo
Assistant Lecturer
Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law (NRCCL), University of Oslo