Jon Arild assists with advice within public procurement and state aid.
Jon Arild has extensive experience with procurement law consultancy and dispute resolution from his time at Troms County Municipality. He has experience from the preparation of procurement strategies, competition basis and implementation of competitions within the transport sector and contracting. He has also worked with complaints handling, process assignments, including temporary injunctions and cases for the Complaints Board for Public Procurement (KOFA). In working with these procurement processes, Strand has built up extensive expertise in the issues that can arise both on the client's and supplier's side.
In recent years, in addition to public procurement, Jon Arild has worked with contract law within construction law and real estate. He assists both builders (public and private) and contractors in building projects and property-related issues.
Since 2007, Jon Arild has carried out examination and teaching assignments at the Faculty of Law at Uit Norway's Arctic University.
Senior Lawyer
Senior Lawyer
Advokatfirmaet Rønning-Hansen AS
Troms County Council
Advokatfirmaet Rekve, Pleym & CO DA
Deputy judge, appointed district court judge
Nord-Troms district court
Ofoten district court
Master of Laws
University of Tromsø